Monday, January 16, 2012

Kameron's fifth email! January 10th 2012

28 days in the MTC!

Mom, Family, and others who read: Being a Zone Leader has its perks and its downside haha.. Well I'll exlpain it a little. Our Branch is branch 29 in the MTC(or zone 29). We have 4-6 districts generally in our branch.. 2 are thai and 2 are english generally from what I'm understanding. There is about 30 missionaries.. 8 of which are sisters right now. We have two districts leave next week though, One thai and one goes to DC actually haha.. So we probably will get one district next week. Well as ZL, Me and other ZL greet the new missionaries wednesday night and go over rules and stuff... Then thursday night we teach them a ton about MTC and things like that... Fun to hear their testimonies and get to know them and see them grow as much as the rest of us grow. Bad thing, is that me and Elder Wright(ZL) miss about 1 hr of class wednesday and thursday to do that so we miss some language study and stuff but I know it's what I should be doing and I learn quicker being a ZL i think. Going to the temple has been a blessing each week. I took my patriarchal blessing to the temple today and read it in the celestial room.. It was really special.. Thank you mom for everything that you send. I received the package and the dear elders you have sent. As well as Dear Elders from sis beeson and tara and stuff. Thank you sister sheeley for the cool coin.. My roomates loved it as much as I did! The Thai language is sweet! I am learning more and more each week how to read. It's like reading english, you start to recognize words and things so it comes quicker with practice. That is a really crazy Buddhist story.. Doesn't surprise me though, I've heard many things about the Buddhist religion since I've been here so that's exciting. Everything has been going great. I really love it here at the MTC it's truly a special place. I got to give Elder Kofford(Phiithay: which is the Thai district that leaves next week so they came beginning of november).. ANyways, I got to give Elder Kofford a blessing of comfort and guidance last thursday before his surgery. It was really special, he had a cist he had to get removed and such. That night was crazy as well because and artery of his wouldn't stop bleeding so I had to go try and keep elders in their dorms while the paramedics took him to the hospital. He will probably end up staying here for a couple extra weeks with our district but he is doing much better now. Other than that.. Things are great.. I love everyone and loved the package. Thank you mom.  Thanks mom I love you lots and love the support I've been receiving from everyone!
Elder Federico

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