Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Kameron's tenth email!! :) February 14th 2012

63 days in the MTC!
Dear Mother, Family, and others:
Things are still going great here at the MTC. I'll be a zone leader probably till the day before I leave because I'm training somebody new before I leave so that'll be fun. Wow a full year for william soon that's crazy! Yeah Elder Adamson said that grandpa talked to him. Temple today was really great! We have this older couple always as the witness couple and we've grown to love them soo much. They are soo amazing and love the missionaries as well. Next week will be my last week emailing at the MTC then on monday the 27th I'll get to call you. I'll give you a couple hour window I'd call when I get my flight plans so next week's email wil be important. Sunday we got to watch Elder Bednar's talk from christmas on the character of christ.. It was even better the second time. I've learned sooo much thai and soo much about the gospel here it is unreal! Elder Bednar talked about how we need to be turning outward and we need to not be like the natural man(cookie monster) and want things for ourselves RIGHT NOW! Anyways, he told a story of a relief society president that called him (when he was a stake pres) at like 4-5 in the morning and asked if he would go to the hospital to check on three young women who had been badly injured and she needed him to identify one of them that was dead. He could hear that she was on two phones, one with him, one with a nurse from the hospital near him. And then he could hear the nurse say. "We've positively identified the dead young girl as your daughter" And IMMEDIATELY, the RS pres told Elder Bednar, you need to call the mothers of the other two daughters and tell them that their children are still alive so they can be comforted.. She immediately worried about the other mothers and stuff. This was her only daughter and her only child as well.. Then when Elder Bednar was speaking with her about the funeral, she said, you know it's going to be a closed casket but I want you and your wife to come see my daughter before they close the casket because they cleaned her up well and I don't want you to have the image of my daughter all beat up from the car accident. She was worried about the last image he had of her daughter. Then to top everything of with this women. The DAY of her daughter's funeral, she receives a phone call from a sick sister in the ward.. Complaining that nobody had brought her food yet and she was sick, (this lady did not know that the RS pres daughter had died but still). Anyways, on the way to her daughter's funeral, the RS pres dropped of some food that she had just made for that complaining sister in the ward. That is such an example of being christ-like and turning outward. I cannot believe that she could do sooo much for others.. Anyways that stuck out to me a lot. Thank you for everything you do and for the support. I love you all...
Love Elder Federico

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